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Professional Panel 2021


Dr. David Alexander

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Dr. David Alexander is a PhD-trained microbiologist with a long-standing interest in the epidemiology of infectious diseases. For the past 14 years, he has worked in the provincial public health laboratory system, first at the Public Health Ontario Laboratories in Toronto and then at the Saskatchewan Disease Control Laboratory in Regina. Since 2016, David has been a Scientist at the Cadham Provincial Laboratory. In pre-pandemic times, his work focused on provincial surveillance of foodborne illness and sexually transmitted infections. For the past year, David has been active in the provincial laboratory response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including the development and validation of tests for COVID-19 and research into variants of concern.

Jenifer Sharshonov

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Ms. Sharshonov has had a passion for the sciences since a very young age. When she first began her studies at the University of Manitoba back in 2014, she was immediately drawn to chemistry courses such as biochemistry and organic chemistry. In her second year, she became interested in pharmacology and the clinical application of such chemicals, inspired by a close friend that was studying pharmacy at that time. The study content aligned perfectly with her interest.

Despite the challenging and lengthy path to becoming a pharmacist, it was a decision she would never regret. The program itself is made up of such a wide range of courses and diverse experiences that pertain to the pharmacy field. Ms. Sharshonov had graduated from the College of Pharmacy at the University of Manitoba in May 2020 and immediately began working in a small independent pharmacy.

Her favourite aspect of this profession is the close relationship she builds and maintains with all of her patients. They look up to her for her expertise and guidance because she and others like her are experts in therapeutics and medication management. She was able to realize she can make a difference in people’s health and lives.

It is absolutely true what they say, pharmacists are one of the most trusted health care professionals.

Dr. Anuraag Shrivastav

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Dr. Anuraag Shrivastav is a Professor at the Department of Biology, University of Winnipeg, and Adjunct Senior Scientist at the Research Institute of Oncology and Hematology, CancerCare Manitoba. He obtained his Ph.D. from the Banaras Hindu University, India, and moved to Saskatchewan Cancer Agency and Department of Pathology, University of Saskatchewan, Canada, to pursue postdoctoral training. He was awarded CIHR postdoctoral fellowship in 2004 to investigate the role of myristoylation in colorectal cancer.

Dr. Shrivastav’s research program is dedicated to understanding alterations in signaling pathways leading to cancer onset and progression of colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, and breast cancer.

Dr. Shrivastav has published over 50 journal articles and reviews. Dr. Shrivastav holds several patents on cancer diagnostics, and clinical studies are in progress to commercialize screening/predictive tests. His expertise is in taking basic research from bench to bedside.

Panel Recordings

Panelist Introduction:

Q and A:

December 28

Video Interview with Clinical Psychologists

February 20

Let's Talk Science Collaboration