About Us

Who we are

Founded in 2015, Project Pulse Winnipeg (PPW) is a branch of the nationwide, youth-led initiative that strives to familiarize high school students with the world of health sciences. We are a non-profit organization composed of high school and early post-secondary students with a passion to share what the field has to offer through our annual conferences.

Through our conferences and online platforms, we aim to connect students directly with working professionals, university representatives and other distinguished individuals in the field, as well as provide opportunities to engage in interactive workshops and activities. To date, our executive teams throughout the years have hosted five in-person full-day conferences at the University of Manitoba Bannatyne campus and two fully virtual years of online programming, attracting 120 high school students across Winnipeg with a goal of educating them about the diverse opportunities in the field of health sciences.

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We encourage attendees from all socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds.

At Project Pulse Winnipeg, we believe that every student deserves the opportunity to explore their interests in the health sciences regardless of where they come from. Our conferences and online programming are free-of-cost to students to eliminate financial barriers. One of our core missions at Project Pulse Winnipeg is our commitment to increasing accessibility to resources for youth of all backgrounds - from inner-city, to north and south Winnipeg.

Project Pulse Winnipeg in the News

“I liked how the [speakers] shared their personal experiences and gave advice. It really helped me understand post-secondary education and what to expect.”

— 2016 Participant

“I liked being exposed to so many different perspectives, learning new things, and getting a better feel for the university experience.”

— 2017 Participant

“I enjoyed working with like-minded individuals and also discovering what their academic and personal experiences were like at different schools. I always love learning about the communities they spend most of their time in [...] it has really broadened my understanding of the various issues and privileges around Winnipeg.”

— 2019 Executive Team Member

“Project Pulse has impacted me this year because I see so many adults and students involved in healthcare careers, which makes me really happy especially during these Covid times. It has also impacted me in a way that I focus a lot on my future career and seeing that people who have accomplished their dreams, makes me believe that I can do the same.”

— 2021 Online Participant