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Professional School University Panel


Simranpreet Dhaliwal

First year Pharmacy Student, University of Manitoba


My name is Simranpreet Dhaliwal and I am a First year PharmD student at the University of  Manitoba. This fall term I graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree with a Biochemistry  Major from the University of Manitoba. I am the second person from my family to attend a post secondary institution. I immigrated to Canada more than 10 years ago and at that time I did not  know how to speak English. I am always thankful to my teachers and supportive family that  helped me transition from where I started to where I am now.  

During my four years of undergrad, I did two years of summer research with the help of the  Undergraduate Research Award (URA). My research was focused on electrochemistry and its  potential role in detecting antibiotic resistance. I also participated in multiple events held by  Science Student Association (SSA) such as the First-year student orientation, and LabTrek. I also participated as a peer mentor for the New Student Peer Mentorship Program where I have assisted the new students in navigating the Fort Garry campus and gave insights regarding course  work. During my undergrad, I have volunteered at the Health Science Centre as well particularly at the Gift Shop and at the Children’s hospital.  

Currently, I am a member of the advocacy committee with the Canadian Association of  Pharmacy Student and Interns (CAPSI) and the College of Pharmacy student representative of  the Social Accountability Committee of Rady Faculty of Health Sciences. In the future, I am  planning to work with one of my professors to host events where pharmacy students can get to know more about the communities around the city through cultural activities and from  community speakers.  

In my spare time, I enjoy cooking and baking with my sister. I am always looking for more  opportunities to get involved. I believe that opportunities are always there, but you have to spot  them and grab them. I look forward to sharing my experiences with you all and hope to hear  some of yours as well. 

Matthew Stecy

Third year medical student, University of Manitoba


Matthew Stecy is in his third year of medical school at the Max Rady College of Medicine. He completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Manitoba where he majored in biochemistry. Throughout undergrad, he worked in a cardiovascular-focused molecular biology lab where he was published in the American Journal of Physiology. He also shared his passion for biochemistry with others by working as a teaching assistant in the introductory biochemistry labs. Throughout his time in medical school, he has served on the Manitoba Medical Student’s Association student council, as well as serving as an executive on a variety of student groups like Journal Club, Stem Cell Club, and the Research in Medicine Interest Group. In his spare time, Matthew likes to swim, bike, and run, as well as cheer on the Toronto Blue Jays and Toronto Raptors.

Alisha Vij

Second year nursing student, University of Manitoba


My name is Alisha Vij and I am a second year Nursing student at the University of Manitoba.
I hope to one day become a pediatric nurse and later work on a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). I have always been involved in health sciences through volunteering at St. Amant, CancerCare Manitoba, and various hospitals & personal care homes. Before nursing, I was working towards a biology degree with a psychology major. I always wanted to pursue a career involved with the health sciences; where I could make a difference in someone’s life. Outside of school I enjoy spending time with friends, Netflix binging, and outdoor activities. I have also been involved in Folklorama for the past 8 years as a performer (Bollywood Dancing), Ambassador, and Ambassador General. Being involved in the community is something I am passionate about and hope to do throughout my life. Pursuing a career in nursing allows me to become involved in the lives and well-being of others. 

November 28

Undergraduate University Panel

December 28

Video Interview with Clinical Psychologists