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Professional Panel


Dr. Faisal Siddiqui

Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesia.
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Section of Critical Care.
Medical Director, Surgical ICU, Winnipeg Health Sciences Centre.


After growing up in Winnipeg, he obtained a Bachelor of Science in Human Physiology at McGill University in 1996 and then returned to Winnipeg to attend the University of Manitoba for his Medical Degree. After finishing medical school, Dr. Siddiqui pursued further training in Anesthesia at McGill University followed by training in Critical Care Medicine at the University of Manitoba. He finished training in 2008 and began working as an anesthesiologist and intensive care physician with a role at the University of Manitoba and the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority/Shared Health. He has been the medical director of the WRHA Anesthesia Clinical Assistant Program, Program Director for the Adult Critical Care Training Program at the University of Manitoba and is currently the Medical Director of the Surgical Intensive Care Unit at HSC Winnipeg. Dr. Siddiqui has a role with the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Examination Board for Anesthesiology and is involved in teaching medical students in Cardiology, Professionalism and Ethics. In addition, he is involved in teaching nursing and dentistry students as well as postgraduate trainees in multiple different specialties.

Dr. Saied Ghavami

Associate Professor at the Department of Human Anatomy and Cell Science at the University of Manitoba. Honorary Professor and co-director of Autophagy Research Centre at Shiraz University of Medical Science. Honorary Professor at Katowice School of Technology, Poland.


Dr. Ghavami got his BSc. in Chemistry in 1989 (Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran), MSc. and PhD (1995, 2004, TMU University, Tehran, Iran) in Clinical Biochemistry. His Postdoctoral training was focused on the application of apoptosis/autophagy/unfolded protein response (UPR) in the regulation of cell fate. His research program is focused on the regulation of cellular phenotype via targeting autophagy and UPR in the Department of Human Anatomy and Cell Science, University of Manitoba, He has been the recipient of a number of prestigious awards including CIHR/GSK/CLA postdoctoral award (No #1 in Canada, 2007), Parker B Francis Career Development Award (top 10 in North America, 2009), ATS Science and Innovation Center Rising Star of Research Award (2017), CIHR/CCS/OICR Early Career Research Award (2017), and the Iranian Presidency Office lifetime award for contribution in science in Iran (2018). He has published more than 200 manuscripts. Dr. Ghavami is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Human Anatomy and Cell Science at the University of Manitoba, Honorary Professor and co-director of Autophagy Research Centre at Shiraz University of Medical Science, and Honorary Professor at Katowice School of Technology, Poland. His current research is focused on the regulation of carcinogenesis via autophagy pathway.

Dr. Marni Wiseman

Medical Director of SKiNWISE DERMATOLOGY. Principle Investigator at Wiseman Dermatology Research. Editor of the Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery.


“Dr. Marni C. Wiseman began her Dermatology practice in Winnipeg, Manitoba in 2001. In addition to her responsibilities as an Associate Professor and Section Head of Dermatology at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Manitoba, Dr. Wiseman spends most of her days at her Private Medical Practice as the Medical Director of SKiNWISE DERMATOLOGY. Dr. Wiseman’s areas of clinical and research interest include psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, hidradenitis suppuritiva, acne, and aesthetic dermatology. She is a Principal Investigator at Wiseman Dermatology Research and has participated in hundreds of clinical trials. Dr. Wiseman is a frequent supervisor and mentor for medical students and residents. She is extensively published in areas of inflammatory skin disease, photodermatosis, and cutaneous malignancy. Dr. Wiseman’s community commitments are extensive and include involvement with the Canadian Dermatology Association Sun Awareness program. She is an editor of the Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery, and was the chair of the Skin Cancer Disease Site Group at CancerCare Manitoba for 15 years. Dr. Wiseman holds regular outreach skin cancer screening clinics in rural locations in Manitoba, has been featured in many news stories, and regularly presents at meetings and congresses nationally and internationally.”

Panel Recording

Panelist Introduction:

Q and A:

November 13

Video Interview with Pediatric Radiologist

November 28

Undergraduate University Panel