Explore 2019’s Workshops…

Nursing: Applying an IV Tube

What do you think of when you hear the word “Nurse”? This workshop provides students a chance to hear about a day in life of a nurse while performing some hands on activities such as listening to heart and lung sounds with stethoscopes, and then learning how to give an intramuscular injection or starting an IV.

WISE Kid-Netic Energy: Open Heart Surgery

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During an open heart surgery, a surgeon will treat various problems with the valves, arteries , and aneurysms in the main vessel leaving the heart. This workshop provides an opportunity to learn about the circulatory system and the heart anatomy by dissecting a pig’s heart.

Note: Individuals with a high sensitivity to fumes should choose this workshop accordingly.

Respiratory Therapy: Intubation

Respiratory therapists assist patients who have difficulty breathing. Students will learn to intubate and free airways in patients of all ages while learning all about the profession.

WISE Kid-Netic Energy: Ozobot and Optics


The eye is one of the many sensory organs of the human body. In this workshop, students will learn about the various parts of the eyes and their functions while performing a dissection on an animal’s eye. To enhance their knowledge about sensors, programming a small pocket sized coding robot called Ozobot will be used to solve a problem.

Note: Individuals with a high sensitivity to fumes should choose this workshop accordingly.


Schedule of Events

